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CO2 footprint

World Ports Climate Initiative

The C40 World Ports Climate Declaration was adopted in July 2008. Its intensions are:

  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ocean-going shipping, port operations and port development, and from hinterland transport
  • Enhancement of the use of renewable energy
  • Development and auditing of CO2 inventories

Through the C40 World Ports Climate Declaration each port pledges to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from port activities, from direct as well as indirect sources. Efforts include onshore power supply, energy conservation and CO2 footprint analyses.

CO2 Footprint

Port of Oslo participates with Port of Rotterdam, Port of Amsterdam, Port of Houston, and Port of Los Angeles as part of a WPCI initiative. The aim of the work group is to create and fruther develop a universal method for CO2 accounting for ports which aspire to calculate their own CO2 footprint. By calculating a carbon footprint and implementing a carbon management programme ports can help make a difference. Primarily, such a programme enables the definition of targets and emissions reductions. Furthermore, it can save money by lowering operating costs and improve resource management.

The Port of Oslo have chosen the operational control approach so as to be able to calculate the carbon footprint that can actually be influenced by changes in our procedures.

/share/mime/pdf.gifCO2 footprint for Port of Oslo 2008
(co2-footprint-port-of-oslo-2008-1.pdf, 101kB)
/share/mime/pdf.gifCO2 footprint for Port of Oslo 2007
(co2-footprint-port-of-oslo-2007.pdf, 145kB)