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Onshore power supply

Port of Oslo has decided to make on shore power supply available for visiting ships. In a report done by the consulting firm Civitas, environmental effects, costs and cost-benefit ratios associated with shore-side electricity for Port of Oslo have been investigated.

The report concluded that the use of onshore power supply will without doubt have positive effects on the environment. Onshore power supply will also be economically profitable to the society and most likely result in a small profit to the shipping companies. Currently, Port of Oslo is looking into the necessary technical requirements, while awaiting the final standard for onshore power supply.

Note: The report is in Norwegian, but with an English summary

/share/mime/pdf.gifRapport: Miljøregnskap for landstrøm i Oslo havn 2008
(miljoregnskap-for-landstromanlegg-civitas.pdf, 2MB)
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The report is in Norwegian, but with a summary in English

Miljøregnskap for landstrøm i Oslo havn 2008